Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Citing websites on BibTeX

While writing the last paper I'm working on, I realised I also needed to cite some web reference. As I'm used to input BibTeX entries that are papers or books, I didn't really know how to cite websites.
Apparently this is not supported by BibTeX, which is strange since the web is growing more and more important nowadays, so I found out another way to cite the online resources. This is not really the correct way to do it, as it hasn't been figured out yet, and some trick were using the @MISC type. I will use the @ONLINE type:

author = {Caio, Tizio},
title = {Tizio Caio Website of important reference},
month = mar,
year = {2013},
url = {http://www.tiziocaio.org/ref/}

Some other way to turn this around include @MISC (as mentioned before), @OTHER, and @BOOKLET. The code is basically the same, and so is the result eventually:

author = {Caio, Tizio},
title = {Tizio Caio Website of important reference},
month = mar,
year = {2013},
url = {http://www.tiziocaio.org/ref/}

author = {Caio, Tizio},
title = {Tizio Caio Website of important reference},
month = mar,
year = {2013},
url = {http://www.tiziocaio.org/ref/}

author = {Caio, Tizio},
title = {Tizio Caio Website of important reference},
month = mar,
year = {2013},
url = {http://www.tiziocaio.org/ref/}

I hope this is going to be of some kind of help, while waiting for some standard way to do it.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Arduino & Node.JS

Lately I've been experimenting quite a lot with Raspberry Pi, but I was curious about what can Node do on Arduino. So I got an Arduino and searched for some useful library to run Node on it. I immediately found out what I was looking for : Noduino.

The framework is really easy to run: just download the branch, then upload on your Arduino the du.ino file and you are good to go. I tried a very simple example given in the repo: test.walkLED.js and built a very simple circuit:

I think the most important thing was that the setup is very simple: it took me more to build the circuit than to install things. I won't paste here the example code but if you are interested I suggest you to go and check that particular example out. It shows how simple the code is to deal with such low level interfaces.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Cobbler Breakout Kit

When I first ordered my RaspberryPis, I didn't realize I would need some kind of male-to-female cables to connect the breadboard to the I/O pins on the Pis, which are male. I decided to spend I little bit more and buy the Cobbler Breakout Kits. These kits are very easy to solder and give some help in building circuits: on the board there are all the names of the pins which corresponds to the pins on the Pi. Here is one already soldered (don't mind the bad soldering...) :

It comes in 3 parts: the blue one, the black one and some small pins that have to be soldiered to the left and to the right of the blue board. First of all one needs to solder the black part, where the ribbon goes, to the board. The soldiering is done keeping the board upside down in a way that the pins of the black input are visible. Then I had to solder pin by pin: 

Then it comes to the pins on the left and right of the board. To do that I put the pins on the breadboard, then I put on top of them the board and soldered them one by one again:

Here is a top view of the breakout kit with all the names of the pins. As I said it makes like easier as you have them there and you don't have to look for an explanation of the pins.

I had many things to do this update came late. I just ordered an analog-to-digital converter. In some following update I will explain how to connect that to the Pi in order to get some analog data with digital output.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Raspberry Pi and Button Press Example

Hi there. This post is not going to be on JavaScript but it will be a bit more centered on the Raspberry Pi and what I did today. As pointed out in an old blog post, I'm working on a software that creates streams of data and pass them through a topology. As data sink, I though it would be very nice to have a Raspberry Pi which gathers data from the environment, for example.
Today I started to implement something on the RPi. Nothing serious, but I wanted to test the GPIO. First of all I had to install some Python dependencies to read data from it

$sudo apt-get update
$sudo apt-get install python-dev
$sudo apt-get install python-rpi.gpio

After this, I had to learn a little bit about the GPIO. The General Purpose Input/Output is an interface available on some devices capable of getting inputs and sending outputs. In the RPi, this is the male pins situated on top of the RPi logo in the latest devices.
The following schematics shows which pin corresponds to which usage

Today what I will do is connect a simple button and trigger some event on the RPi. The event will only be a print line saying something. The purpose of this test project was to get my hands dirty a little bit with the RPi by starting with something extremely simple.


- 1 Raspberry Pi
- 1 Ribbon
- 1 Breadboard
- Some wires
- 1 10k Ohm resistor
- 1 Button sensor

How to build

Place the button on the breadboard. On the row of one pin of the button, I had to connect one head of the resistor. The other head had to be connected on another row. On the same row of this head, then, I had to connect the 3v3 pin (pin 1) of the RPi. To do that I had to use the ribbon and then use a wire from the other end of the ribbon.

I have chosen to use the pin called GPIO17 on the image shown. From that pin I connected a wire which was placed on the same row in which one head of the button and one of the resistor were placed. Finally, the ground pin was connected to the other end of the button.


The code was a simple piece of Python that gathered the input from the pin number 17. Here is it:

import RPi.GPIO as gpio
pin = 17;
gpio.setup(pin, gpio.IN)

while True:
    input = gpio.input(pin)
    if input == False:
        print('button press');
        while input == False:
            input = gpio.input(pin);

Be careful and respect indentation as Python will complain otherwise. I have chosen pin 17 but any GPIO pin will work as long as you change it in your code. The code is extremely simple: with a while True it checks if the button has been pressed. If that is the case, then, it will print the message. While the button is pressed it will just fall into the second while statement.

To run the code, just do this

sudo python filename.py

And that's it. Here is a picture of what I built.

As you can see, the blue wire is the 3v3 pin, the yellow one is the GPIO17 while the black one is ground.
I hope to build some cooler stuff and show it here.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Passing parameters to setInterval & setTimeout

Sometimes we need to play with timed events. JavaScript comes to the rescue giving access to setTimeout and setInterval. The first one fires only once after a certain amount of time passes, while the second one fires every time a given interval passes. For example if we give 1000 as one of the input variables to setInterval, it will fire every second.

One problem that may arise using these functions is when we want to call a function defined somewhere else and pass a parameter to it. If we try to do the following:

var myFun = function(param) {
    //do something

var myParam = 'parameter';

setTimeout(myFun(myParam), 1000);

Instead of executing the function after 1000ms, it will execute it immediately. This is because the compiler first interprets the function calls, like myFun(myParam), and then passes the result as the callback to the setTimeout function. To avoid this, the usual way is to pass function as a variable, thus omitting the parentheses. This of course leads to one problem: how to pass parameters to the callback function? It is done in the following way:

var myFun = function(param) {
    //do something

var myParam = 'parameter';

setTimeout(myFun, 1000, myParam, ...);

The three dots there indicates that each following input parameter will be treated as an input parameter to the callback function. The same concept applies for the setTimeout function.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Remote access to file through file editor on ubuntu

While taking some measure on one of my softwares, I noticed instead of going through the ftp every time to get the results, I could just open some text editor. For this things I installed gedit on the Ubuntu remote machine I'm working on. I tried the following command

gedit filename.txt

Cannot open display: 
Run 'gedit --help' to see a full list of available command line options.

As you can see it produced that error. The problem I had (and apparently is quite common), it's the fact that when I logged on my remote machine through ssh I forgot to include the correct flag:

ssh -X username@my.server.com

Mind the capital X as flag. I kept logging in with lowercase x which lead of course to wrong behaviour.
I'm sorry for the small update, but I noticed many many programmers asked this on StackOverflow, so I though it may be useful keeping it written somewhere :-).

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Appending text to a file in Node.JS

Recently I've been testing the application I'm working on. Since it is already complicated by itself I don't want to add a database support to it. Instead, I thought about writing data on a file. In the context of my software, I'm sending messages to different processes on remote machines and I want to be sure I'm not loosing any of those messages. To check this, when I receive a message I store its ID (every message has one) in a file, appending it to the end. Then by using the sort bash command I sort them and see which messages I lost (or simply through a wc -l filename I can check that all the messages I sent arrived).
To write on a file in Node.js this is the usual process:

var fs = require('fs');
fs.writeFile('log.txt', 'Hello', encoding='utf8', function (err) {
    if (err) throw err;

But this would overwrite the content of the file and write 'Hello' in it. To append text on a file, recently Node added the following command to their APIs:

var fs = require('fs');
fs.appendFile('log.txt', 'Hello', encoding='utf8', function (err) {
    if (err) throw err;

As you can see it works exactly like the writeFile function except that this would append 'Hello' at the end of the file. Moreover, if the file doesn't exist yet, it will create it for you. Pretty useful!
What I noticed while looking at the file that was filled in the meantime with IDs (I kept inspecting it through wc -l filename) is that sometimes it "blocked" itself on some values, and then after a while it added a bunch of IDs and then again it blocked, and so on. I was pretty frustrated by this, since I thought it was a problem of my topology. In the end I asked Google about the appendFile function, since I was interested in its performances and I found out that it is asynchronous. That means I never had any error concerning the odd behaviour it had, it was just because the execution of the function itself is asynchronous. Thus I searched for a synchronous way to append text on a file and on the Node API page I found this:

var fs = require('fs');
fs.appendFileSync('log.txt', 'Hello', encoding='utf8');

As you can see it works a little bit differently from what appendFile does: it doesn't take a callback function anymore. And that's it. Now it appends correctly each time the process receives a message, so I can better monitor what's going on.