If you don't then you will have the problem I had. In the past hours I struggled a lot because I couldn't see anything on the screen. I tried reinstalling the OS image on the SD (in at least three different ways) and plugging different devices but nothing happened. In the end the problem was indeed the screen (and not the OS as I was supposing). Basically I was using a DELL screen which had a DV input and I was using a HDMI-DV cable. Apparently Raspberry Pi doesn't like that kind of screen inputs. By chance I found a screen with an HDMI input and I could test the Raspberry Pi on it, and it worked!
If you have a different problem I suggest you to try asking on the official forum, there is some helpful people over there.
Anyways, it may also happen that you see something, but not that screen. If that's the case try running the following command:
sudo raspi-config
Then I suggest you set up the keyboard through configure_keyboard and set the timezone through change_timezone. If you happen to have an SD card quite big (more than 4GB at least) then I suggest you also check out expand_rootfs to enable all that space. Also, remember to setup ssh when setting the keyboard by running
sudo setupcon
Then you are good to go! Just hit <Finish> and enjoy your brand new Raspberry Pi. In the next (and hopefully last) post I will show how to install Node.JS and some other useful package.
Enjoyed reading the article above, really explains everything in detail, the article is very interesting and effective. Thank you and good luck for the upcoming articles learn Node JS training